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  • Students showcase best of Cheltenham Bournside Sixth Form

    The team at Cheltenham Bournside School have been celebrating following a successful Sixth Form open evening, held at the end of January. Prospective students and their families were able to learn more about about the wide range of academic A level and vocational courses on offer, meet with the school's excellent teaching team, explore our extensive resources, facilities and enrichment options, and take a break in the Pitstop, the new sixth form cafe. Headteacher, Mr Jefferies and Head of Sixth Form, Mr Warren, welcomed visitors during two welcome talks where they shared the school's values, ambition and how it sets each student up for success with clear lines of academic and pastoral support and by offering a huge range of opportunity across the sixth form, with the support of two Senior House Captains, Naifa and Ben. Mr Warren said, "I was proud to see so many of our current Sixth Form students involved in the delivery of our recent open evening, representing our school community so well.
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  • A sixth form with a strong sense of community

    For parents and students looking to join an ambitious sixth form with excellent teaching, compassionate pastoral care, extensive grounds and a vast programme of extra-curricular activities, the team at Cheltenham Bournside School are getting ready to welcome you to our upcoming open evening on Thursday 26th January . Choosing the right sixth form is an important step in your school career. By choosing Bournside, students can be confident they will be supported and challenged to excel within a strong school community environment - something highlighted by Ofsted : “leaders put the welfare of pupils, as well as academic achievement, at the heart of everything they do.” Students here are treated as young adults. They are given greater responsibility for their learning, alongside a school structure and a dedicated team that prioritises individualised support.
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  • Pupil welfare and academic achievement is at the heart of Cheltenham Bournside School community, says Ofsted

    The team at Cheltenham Bournside School have been celebrating the result of their recent Ofsted inspection which has recognised the school as ‘Good’ in all areas. Ofsted are the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills in the United Kingdom and the full inspection came two years after Mr Jefferies joined the school as headteacher in September 2020. The assessed areas of quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development; leadership and management and sixth form provision were each graded as ‘Good’. The report highlights that “leaders put the welfare of pupils, as well as academic achievement, at the heart of everything they do” and that the “headteacher has very high expectations of the school”.
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  • Introducing our Senior House Captains for 2022/23

    We are delighted to introduce our 12 Senior House Captains for the 2022/23 Academic Year. Taking on the key student leadership role during their important A-Level year, are: House Group Senior House Captain Attenborough Daisy Williams Samuel Hendry Frank Freya Matthews Ben D’Souza Hawking Molly Faragher Alwyne Williams Owens Rhiana Asante George MacDonald Parks Evangeline Monet Freddy Lapinski Rowling Naifa Juma William Baker Senior House Captains are appointed following an interview process. Our 12 successful students were selected for their ambition for the role, their record of achievement in the life of the school, their attitude to learning, as well as excellent records of behaviour, attendance and punctuality. For our young year groups, the Senior House Captains are prominent role models and an accessible and supportive team.
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  • Year 7 music evening

    We were delighted to once again showcase the musical talent of over 50 Year 7 students in our first music performance of the year, the Year 7 music evening. Performing in the main hall to a full audience of family and friends, the students showcased what they have been learning during their first term at Cheltenham Bournside School. All year 7 students were invited to take part and all instruments were welcome. The exciting programme included duets and choral renditions of the six House songs, first introduced during transition week, as well as wonderful piano, clarinet and tap-dancing solos.
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  • Supporting our Community at Christmas

    Each year, students, families and staff at Cheltenham Bournside School come together to raise funds and collect items to support local charities. We also work to spread good community cheer in our local communities too. Please find below details of our planned activities, with donation deadlines and information. Further information on our school events will follow in the coming weeks.
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  • University and careers fair

    On Thursday 20th October, from 5.00pm - 7.00pm  we're delighted to be hosting more than 35 university and employer representatives at our popular University and Careers Fair at Cheltenham Bournside School. Primarily aimed at our senior students, but open to all students in Year 9 and above, the Careers Fair offers a valuable opportunity for students and their families to meet universities and employers face to face. Miss Heppleston, Careers Leader, said "The Careers Fair provides our students with the chance to meet representatives from a wide range of universities and employers, learn about the courses and future job opportunities available, and gain confidence in making a great first impression and building positive professional relationships." "Thank you to all of the organisations who are giving up their time to exhibit, however I'm sure their time will be well spent with our bright, curious and ambitious students."
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  • 'Inspire Lecture Series' launches with Nathan Lake

    The team at Cheltenham Bournside School were delighted to launch a new Inspire Lecture Series last week, which kick starts a programme of 10 inspirational lectures already planned for this academic year. Our first guest in the series, Nathan Lake , a professional squash player currently representing England on the PSA World Tour, delivered his lecture online from his current base in Chicago, Illinois. A former East Glos Club member and winner of the European Junior Championships when he was just 18, Nathan is proud Bournside and University of Gloucestershire alumni, and is now ranked #35 in the world. Mr Taylor said, "The Inspire Lecture series builds upon our already successful external speaker programme at Cheltenham Bournside School, bringing it together under one umbrella to help our students identify the speakers they'd most like to see.
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  • School Awards 2022

    Annual awards evening for year 11 and year 13 students, joined by our gold house heroes On Thursday evening, nearly 300 students and their families came together in the magnificent surroundings of the Pittville Pump Rooms to celebrate the 50th Anniversary Cheltenham Bournside School Awards . Senior and graduate students were recognised across all subject areas for outstanding academic achievement and progress, as well as their wider contribution to the life of school. More than 30 students from Year 8 to 11 were also invited to the ceremony to receive their Gold House Hero certificates, in recognition of their continued positive contribution to the life of the school. Headteacher, Mr Jefferies , said; "This is the proudest moment of a Headteacher's year: an evening in which the school celebrates the very best of what it means to be a Bournsider.
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  • Cheltenham Bournside students celebrate GCSE success

    There were happy scenes at Cheltenham Bournside school as this year’s 260 GCSE students' results were revealed and students celebrated their excellent successes. Headteacher Steve Jefferies said: “After our fantastic, record breaking A’ level results last week, we are delighted that Cheltenham Bournside School has achieved the best set of GCSE results based on exams taken by students since the revised qualifications were introduced in 2017. “Our 2022 results even compare favourably with the results from 2020 and 2021 when grades were set through teachers’ assessments. The average grade gained overall was over a grade 5.
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We are proudWe are curiousWe are purposefulWe are ambitiousWe are respectfulWe are supportive